Obez Olduğumu Nasıl Anlarım?

Obesity describes the condition of excessive accumulation of body fat and is usually measured through the body mass index (BMI). BMI is calculated as the ratio of a person’s weight (in kilograms) to the square of his/her height (in meters). However, identifying obesity may not be solely based on BMI, which means that other factors should also be considered.

Here is an example of how BMI is calculated: Let’s consider a person who is 1.75 meters tall and weighs 80 kilograms. To calculate the BMI of that person, we first square the height (1.75*1.75=3.0625). Then we divide the weight by this value (80/3.0625=26.12). In this example, the person’s BMI is around 26.

The BMIs indicate the following according to the World Health Organization: A BMI between 25-29.9 indicates overweight, while a BMI of 30 and above indicates obesity. Since the person in this example has a BMI of 26, he/she can be said to be overweight.

However, BMI may not prove to be the most accurate way to measure body fat as it does not distinguish between muscle mass and fat mass. In view of the limitations associated with BMI, other methods, such as measuring body fat percentage or waist circumference, can also be used to identify obesity.

The body fat percentage tells you how much of your total body weight is made up of fat. This can be measured using a variety of instruments and methods but is usually done by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) or skinfold thickness measurement. Such measurements are usually performed by a health professional.

Measuring waist circumference actually involves measuring the circumference of the widest point of the waist. Excessive waist fat, especially in the abdomen, can be a sign of a number of health problems, including Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. A waist circumference of 102 cm (40 inches) or more for men and 88 cm (35 inches) or more for women can increase health risks.

Whilst these instruments and measurements can help to identify obesity, it is also important to take stock of your overall health and lifestyle. To achieve and maintain a healthy weight, it is important to eat a balanced and nutritious diet, exercise regularly, get enough sleep and manage stress.

Lastly, if you are concerned about your weight, it is best to consult a health professional. Health professionals can help decide the best approach and create a custom plan for you, where necessary.

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