
I must answer the question of whether there is a definitive solution to Leaky Gut Syndrome with MOSTLY YES. Let’s start by defining what “Leaky Gut Syndrome” means. In order to treat a disease, the diagnosis must first be correct and the concepts must be clearly defined. Otherwise, we will encounter definitions that are not based on objective criteria, starting with the prefixes “in my opinion” and “in my opinion”. The confusion of definitions and concepts continues with misdiagnosis and endless wrong treatments.

The most basic feature of our intestines is that they do not allow all the food we eat and drink to be absorbed from the intestines and pass into the bloodstream. This feature of our intestines is called SELECTIVE PERMEABILITY. Healthy intestines absorb the elements we need and will not harm us. The foods we eat are broken down and separated into basic building blocks by going through a number of enzymatic, mechanical, biological and chemical processes. Only after food is digested in this way, it is absorbed from the intestines and mixed into the bloodstream, and reaches the relevant areas needed by the body through the bloodstream. Each digested food is absorbed from its own specific parts of the intestine. The intestinal surface where absorption takes place is called MICROVILLUS. There are a number of basic requirements for the microvilli, where selective permeability takes place, to function fully and completely. Microvilli are covered with a gel-like structure secreted from the intestines and this is called MUCUS. Thanks to mucus, microvilli are protected from direct contact with intestinal contents. Just as our digestive system secretions digest the food we eat, without the protection of mucus, it begins to damage its own tissue.If there is no mucus secretion or if it is unhealthy, damage (ulcer, wound) occurs in the microvilli after direct contact with intestinal secretions and the foods we eat, and sometimes if this damage is long-term, the damage to the microvilli areas results in irreversible loss of absorption surface. The average length of our small intestines is 8-10 meters, and its internal surface area (absorption surface) is 18000-22000 square meters. The fact that the inner surface of our small intestines has an area as large as a giant Olympic stadium is extremely important for intestinal functions. This entire area is covered with microvilli. If the microvilli structure comes into contact with the intestinal content, it begins to lose its absorption and selective permeability properties. If the contact is prolonged, the microvilli structure in these areas turns into dysfunctional fibrotic structures, this is called VILLUS ATROPHY and is an irreversible process. For the microvilli to be functional, FLORA bacteria (beneficial microbes) that are specific to every part of the intestine, except for the mucus secretion, are needed. FLORA is indispensable for the mucus that covers the microvilli as a protective layer to be healthy, functional and sustainable.

The combination of microvilli, mucus and flora bacteria are the basic building blocks in protecting the intestinal absorption surface and ensuring SELECTIVE PERMEABILITY. The triggering factor in the disruption of selective permeability often begins with the disruption of the intestinal flora. In the absence of flora or when pathogens take its place, healthy mucus production cannot occur, and as a result, selective permeability is disrupted after damage to the microvilli. After selective permeability is impaired, products that should not pass from the intestines to the bloodstream (macro molecules, toxins, microbes, etc.) begin to pass. Therefore, the general name of these diseases is called LEAKY GUT SYNDROME.

Some of the diseases evaluated under the title of Leaky Gut Syndrome are; Celiac Disease, Gluten Allergy (Celiac Like Syndrome), Lactose Intolerance, Food Allergies, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, Chronic Diarrhea, Chronic Nonspecific Colitis, SIBO, Dysbiosis etc. All of these diseases cause damage to the digestive system flora. Most often, the main factor that triggers the emergence of the disease is the weakening or complete or partial disappearance of the digestive system flora.

As a result of Leaky Gut Syndrome, after the intestine loses its selective permeability, many things that should not pass into the bloodstream begin to pass. Our body’s defense system cells make an intense effort to clear them from the bloodstream. As permeability increases and the duration of the event becomes longer (chronic), our defense system begins to tire and lose coordination, after a while, the perception of what it needs to destroy is impaired and it perceives the body’s own tissue as foreign and harmful and begins to attack those places, this situation is called AUTOIMMUNITY.

Leaky Gut Syndrome and other AUTOIMMUNE diseases that develop together seriously affect the quality and duration of life. One of the most important gateways to the onset of autoimmunity is the intestines and the Leaky Gut Syndrome that develops together. After Leaky Gut Syndrome occurs, autoimmune diseases begin to emerge one by one. An autoimmune disease prepares the ground for the occurrence of other autoimmune diseases, that is, makes it easier. The main autoimmune diseases involved in the process are; Hashimoto’s Disease; Fibromyalgia, Autoimmune Arthritis; GUT Disease, Psoriasis, Rose Disease, Behcet’s Disease, IBS, Depression, Vitiligo, Dermatitis etc.

The first and basic treatment in the treatment of Leaky Gut Syndrome is the restoration of the damaged intestinal flora. The most definitive and permanent treatment for the restoration of the digestive system flora is TOTAL GASTROINTESTINAL FLORA TRANSPLANTATION.

TOTAL GASTROINTESTINAL FLORA TRANSPLANTATION is performed by taking donors with healthy digestive system flora. Flora transplantation is performed by performing endoscopy and colonoscopy under general anesthesia from at least one healthy FLORA DONOR, from approximately 25-45 different anatomical regions of the digestive system, washed with serum suitable for the habitat of each region, the washing liquid is taken back and flora samples taken from each region are obtained after special processing. It is the process of transferring healthy FLORA colonizations from whichever part of the donor they were taken to the equivalent anatomical parts of the patient, endoscopically and colonoscopically, under general anesthesia.

The earlier Leaky Gut Syndrome is treated with the FLORA Transplantation method, the higher the treatment success rate will be. Because microvilli atrophy (absorption surface loss) that develops due to the disease is irreversible. Even if treatment is performed with Flora Transplantation, for example, if the intestinal absorption surface area of ​​22000 square meters has decreased to 14000 square meters, no treatment can increase the surface area even by 1 square meter. The aim is to protect the remaining reserves. Because if this area falls below a certain threshold value, the benefit from the treatment will be limited.

Assoc. Dr. Murat KANLIÖZ

Flora Transplantation Institute

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