

BAD ODOR is a condition that occurs as a result of many diseases originating from the mouth, upper respiratory tract and upper digestive system. Although bad breath is the result of hundreds of different diseases, the only thing they have in common is that they are all due to acute or chronic infection.

The main oral causes of bad breath are tooth decay, gum infections, oral wounds, trauma, burns and tumor formations.

Tonsillitis (tonsillitis), pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, esophagitis, esophageal diverticula, Achalasia Disease, esophagotracheal fistulas and gastritis are the main causes of bad breath.

All causes of bad breath include temporary or permanent disruption of the MICROBIAL structure of the relevant area, exposure to pathogen invasion, and tissue damage in that area.

Functions that are specialized for each region throughout the entire digestive system and upper respiratory tract, that do not normally live elsewhere, that are beneficial to us, such as digestion, defense against microbial attacks, synthesis, detoxification, nerve conduction, stool formation, intestinal motility and contribution to hormonal balance, etc. We live together with single-celled creatures, most of which are bacteria, yeast and viruses. All of these are called FLORA. Our FLORA, which has thousands of varieties, is numerically large enough to be expressed in trillions. The elements that make up FLORA diversity have a dynamic structure and continue their cycle in a healthy way by constantly replacing the old ones several times a day. Dead or expired flora elements are naturally excreted as feces. 60-70% of our fecal volume consists of dead and living flora waste. It is not possible to live a healthy, happy and long life without FLORA that is balanced and has sufficient biodiversity.

In all anatomical areas where we host FLORA, the first and most effective defense against pathogenic microbes coming from outside is carried out by flora elements. It is very difficult for pathogenic microbes to settle in areas with high and sufficient flora biodiversity, and even if they do, it will be in limited intensity and duration.

People with impaired oral flora often experience oral wounds, bleeding gums, gum infections, tooth decay, dry mouth, pain and difficulty swallowing. All of these cases involve infections caused by pathogenic microorganisms. If the oral flora cannot be restored, oral infections and bad breath become chronic. The most important reasons for the deterioration of the oral flora are;

  • malnutrition
  • Excessive carbohydrate consumption
  • Very frequent and uncontrolled use of antibiotics
  • immune system diseases
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiotherapy
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Burns (thermal, acid, base)
  • traumas
  • Intraoral surgeries
  • Stopping oral feeding for a long time
  • Cigarette
  • Alcohol
  • Frequent oral infections

If the oral flora is disrupted due to the reasons listed above and this situation becomes chronic, oral infections and BAD ODOR are an inevitable result.

Frequent infections such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, esophagitis, sinusitis and gastritis are caused by the disruption of the flora of the relevant areas and are often accompanied by bad breath.

Gastro Esophageal Reflux (GER) and ALKALINE REFLUX GASTRITIS are diseases that should be evaluated separately regarding bad breath. In GER, acidic stomach contents rebound into the esophagus, larynx, and even the mouth. BAD ODOR occurs due to chemical burn in the esophagus, larynx and mouth due to stomach acid reflux, disruption of the flora and colonization of pathogenic microbes in the relevant areas.

Bad breath often occurs in cases of ALKALINE REFLUX GASTRITI, which develops due to chemical burn caused by basic bile after bile escapes into the stomach.

Bad breath can be eliminated with treatments aimed at the current cause. In GER, reflux should be prevented by medication, diet or surgical procedures. After reflux is prevented, the flora of the relevant region may recover spontaneously, but in cases that do not improve, FLORA TRANSPLANTATION is performed to re-establish healthy flora.

In cases of Alkaline Reflux Gastritis, duodenum contents (especially BILE) escape into the stomach due to dysfunction in the structure called PILOR, which is located at the stomach outlet and ensures controlled emptying of the stomach. In Alkaline Reflux Gastritis, bile reflux is prevented by endoscopic PYLOric REVISION or surgical intervention. If bad breath still persists after reflux is prevented, FLORA TRANSPLANTATION should be performed.

In cases of chronic gingivitis (gum inflammation), dental caries, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, tracheitis and esophagitis, treatment should be directed towards the cause first. If the damage to the flora cannot be resolved on its own after the condition causing bad breath is eliminated, FLORA TRANSPLANTATION should be performed.

The factor causing bad breath cannot be eliminated without re-establishing the flora of the relevant region by the Flora TRANSPLANT method.

FLORA TRANSPLANTATION, under general anesthesia from at least one healthy donor, each of 25-45 anatomical regions is washed endoscopically and colonoscopically by lavage with special solutions, and then the flora samples taken by aspiration are subjected to certain procedures. It is a method of transplantation under anesthesia.

We compiled the experiences regarding flora transplantation and published it as an article in a prestigious, academic, American medical journal. You can access relevant publications from the links below.!/!/

BREATHODINE is not destiny. It can be completely eliminated with treatment directed towards the cause.

I wish you healthy days.

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