
About Me

Having graduated in 1993 from Erciyes University Faculty of Medicine and subsequently fulfilled my compulsory professional and military services, I successfully completed in 2002 my residency training in General Surgery, which I started in 1997 at Ankara Oncology Hospital. In 2020, I was entitled to the title of Associate Professor of General Surgery. In the meantime, I have had the opportunity to work in various institutions both in the public and private sectors. I have been leading, since March 2022, both my clinical and academic studies under the roof of “Institute of Flora Transplantation” and “Institute of Obesity” in our private clinic.


  • We have performed  Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT) to about 5000 patients.
  • We have broken new grounds in Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT) and set the standards. We have been practicing FMT for 20 years.
  • Further enhancing the flora transplantation method, we have made significant contributions to the MEDICAL LITERATURE. We have been practicing flora transplantation for 15 years.
  • We have performed FLORA TRANSPLANTS on more than 1000 patients.
  • In 2022, we published the first academic study on flora transplantation in CUREUS, an international, peer-reviewed American medical journal (1).
  • We have been first worldwide to perform a combination of gastric balloon and gastric Botox in the endoscopic treatment of OBESITY and described the “KANLIÖZ TECHNIQUE” as a highly effective method (2).
  • We have treated thousands of patients successfully with gastric balloon, gastric Botox and KANLIÖZ TECHNIQUE in the field of endoscopic OBESITY, and in 2020, we published our clinical experience in the peer-reviewed American medical journal ”OBESITY SURGERY”, considered among the world’s most prestigious journals in the field of obesity (3).
  • We have performed Sleeve Gastrectomy on more than 1000 patients and helped them to achieve a healthy weight.
  • We have treated more than 300 patients with Gastric Bypass Surgery for OBESITY.
  • We have performed METABOLIC SURGERY for almost more than 300 patients for Type 2 Diabetes.
  • We performed REVISION SURGERY on about 150 patients with obesity.
  • We have performed “Endoscopic Pyloric Revision” in about 600 patients for Obesity treatment.
  • We have performed “Endoscopic Pyloric Revision” in about 300 patients with “Alkaline Reflux Gastritis”.


As I completed my residency at Ankara Oncology Hospital, ı had the chance to deal mostly with oncology patients in my daily healthcare practice in the institutions where I worked following my residency. Both during and after my residency, I acquired a broad knowledge and diverse experience on cancer patients. What prompted the process leading to FLORA TRANSPLANTATION was the severe vital problems faced by oncology patients in the aftermath of their treatment.  Oncology patients experience dietary problems both during and after surgery followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy as complementary treatment. However, the dietary problems that persist even after the end of the treatment process may get aggravated and become irreversible in some patients. In particular, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite as well as malaise and fatigue associated with weakened immune system during and after chemotherapy, etc. It may prove difficult to understand these conditions without empathizing with the patient and going through these processes side by side with the patient. As we are expected to produce solutions to problems, the physical fatigue we experience is compounded by the emotional burden of the treatment environment in which we live.

Following the surgery and, where necessary, the subsequent chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments, many patients develop permanent flora damage in the digestive tract as a result of the treatment administered. The resulting flora damage is often recovered from the reserves left behind to sustain living standards. Oncology treatments (surgery, chemotherapy, etc.) somehow cause permanent changes in the flora of the digestive tract, even if they do not impair living standards. However, these are often permanent and do not become symptomatic. The major problem is that the flora damage is irreversible, severely impairing quality of life and nutrition.

When we ask our oncology patients how they feel during their follow-up examinations, I have heard them often say: “Thank you, Doctor, you have freed me from cancer, but now anything I eat causes me to feel sick, I feel bloated, I can’t digest anything, whatever I eat causes allergies, so I can’t eat or drink many things, and this makes me feel sluggish.” Such responses from patients led me to research on the flora of the digestive tract. The studies I conducted confirmed the suspicions raised about flora damage. In response to this, I first started to perform FECAL TRANSPLANTS via endoscopy and colonoscopy. The results proved to be remarkably promising. Following my studies to try something more specific, I started my TOTAL GASTROINTESTINAL FLORA TRANSPLANT attempts. After several initial unsuccessful attempts, I eventually developed the current FLORA TRANSPLANTATION model. We reported our experiences with flora transplantation in an article and published the first article on flora transplantation in the worldwide medical literature in November 2022 in CUREUS, an international, peer-reviewed American medical journal (1).  This article culminated our work on flora transplantation.

My research on OBESITY, which is also one of my areas of focus, has intensified especially in the last 10 years. Today, obesity is one of the most important health conditions that should be considered in the epidemic group. I conduct research and studies both in the surgical field (Sleeve Gastrectomy, Bypass Surgery, Revision Surgery) and in the field of endoscopic treatment of obesity. I have been the first to introduce a new technique in the endoscopic treatment of obesity in which GASTRIC BOTOX and GASTRIC BALLOON are applied together for the first time to date. In 2020, we published our article describing the technique referred to as “KANLIOZ TECHNIQUE” along with the results obtained therefrom in the international, peer-reviewed, American medical journal “SURGICAL LAPAROSCOPY, ENDOSCOPY AND PERCUTANEOUS TECHNIQUES” (2). The findings of our study in which we compared the methods related to endoscopic treatments of obesity were also published in 2020 in the peer-reviewed American medical journal “OBESITY SURGERY”, one of the most prestigious journals worldwide in the field of obesity (3).

In today’s prevailing medical practice, medical specialists of each branch assess the patient from their own perspective. However, this makes a holistic patient examination impossible. To put the reality into concrete terms: “The patient presents with a complaint. Each department performs an examination, tests and evaluates the patient in its own way and reports that the patient is in good health from their point of view. But in the end, all these examinations and tests fail to find a cure for the patient’s current problem.” That is because of the MEDICAL EDUCATION, which we have confined to narrow molds with micro-branching rather than producing solutions, and which therefore needs a serious revision. Sticking to narrow molds and distancing ourselves from free and analytical thinking by relying solely on existing knowledge renders us incapable of providing solutions to our patients. I have tried, throughout my entire professional life, to challenge these stereotypes and to do things primarily with the principles of not harming the patient, with human rights, scientific ethics, an investigative spirit, and scientific skepticism being the primary concerns, of which my studies on obesity and flora are the fruit.

We pursue our studies and efforts, especially in the field of OBESITY and FLORA TRANSPLANT, with perseverance, determination, and the enthusiasm of the first day.


Title : Associate Professor
Educational Background :
Degree Branch University Year
Undergraduate / Bachelor of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine
Erciyes University
Graduate / Master of Medicine
Doctor of Medicine
General Surgery
Ankara Oncology Hospital
  MEDICAL SPECIALTY THESIS: Survival screening in axilla-negative breast cancer



  •    Total Flora Transplantation in Leaky Gut Syndrome
  •    Fecal Transplant
  •    Obesity and Metabolic Surgery
  •    Endoscopic Bariatric Therapies
  •    (Gastric Balloon, Gastric Botox, Pyloric Revision)
  •    Endoscopic Treatment of Alkaline Reflux Gastritis
  •    Laparoscopic Surgery
7.1. Articles published in international peer-reviewed journals

  1. Atalay C, Kanlioz M, Altınok M.  Menstrual cycle and hormone receptor status in breast cancer patients. Neoplasma, 49,5,2002, page:278-82. (Index: Science Citation Index)
  2. Atalay C, Kanlioz M, Altınok M. Comparison of prognostic scoring system to tumor node metastases 1992 and 1997 staging systems in gastric cancer patients. Neoplasma, 49,5,2002, page:323-27. (Index: Science Citation Index)
  3. Atalay C, Kanlioz M, Demir S, Pak I, Altınok M. Primary Gastrointestinal Tract Lymphomas. Acta Chir Belg, 2003, 103, page: 616-20. (Index: Science Citation Index Expanded)
  4. Atalay C, Kanlioz M, Altınok M. Prognostic Factors Affecting Survival in Male Breast Cancer. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 22, 1, 2003, page:29-33. (Index: Science Citation Index Expanded)
  5. Emre A, Akbulut S, Bozdogan Z, Yılmaz M, Kanlioz M, Emre R, Sahin N. Routine Histopathologic Examination of Appendectomy Specimens: Retrospective Analysis of 1255 Patients. Int Surg 2013;99:000–000. DOI: 10.9738/INTSURG-D-13-00098.1 (Index: Science Citation Index Expanded)
  6. Emre A, Akbulut S, Yilmaz M, Kanlioz M, Aydin BE. Double Meckel’s Diverticulum Presenting as Acute Appendicitis: A Case Report and Literature Review. The Journal of Emergency Medicine, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. e321–e324, 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.jemermed.2012.11.001. (Index: Science Citation Index Expanded)
  7. Tatli F, Ekici U, Kanlioz M, Gozeneli O, Uzunkoy A, Yucel Y, Dirican A. Ultrasonography in diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Ann. Ital. Chir., 2016 87. PII: S0003469X15024501. (Index: Science Citation Index Expanded)
  8. Ekici U, Kanlioz M, Ferhatoğlu MF, Kartal A. A comparative analysis of four different surgical methods for treatment of sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus. Asian Journal of Surgery Asian Journal of Surgery (2019) 42, 907-913. DOI:10.1016/asjsur.2018.12.01 (Index: Science Citation Index Expanded)
  9. Ekici U, Tatlı F, Kanlıöz M. Preoperative and postoperative risk factors in laparoscopic cholecystectomy converted to open surgery. Adv Clin Exp Med 2019;28(7). DOI: 10.17219/acem/81519 (Index: Science Citation Index Expanded)
  10. Kanlioz M, Ekici U. Complications During the Recovery Period After Pilonidal Sinus Surgery. 2019, Cureus 11 (4): e4501. DOI: 10,7759 / cureus.4501 (Index: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  11. Kanlioz M, Ekici U. Predisposing factors and demographic analysis in inguinal hernia. Annals of Medical Research. 2019;26(4):576-8, DOI: 10.5455/annalsmedres.2018.12.312. (Index: International)
  12. Kanlioz M. D-Dimer in inguinal hernias. Annals of Medical Research. (2019, 26(6): 980-2. DOI: 10.5455/annalsmedres.2019.01.027 (Index: International)
  13. Kanlioz M, Ekici U. Correlation Between Perforated Appendicitis and Total Bilirubin. Annals of Medical Research. 2019, 26(6): 988-90. DOI: 10.5455/annalsmedres.2019.02.096 (Index: International)
  14. Kanlioz M, Ekici U, Ayva A. Analysis of Incidental Gallbladder Cancer in Cholecystectomies. 2019, 11 (9): e5710. Cureus. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.5710 (Index: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  15. Kanlioz M, Ekici U. Analysis of Relapse Rates of the Primary Closure and Limberg Flap Techniques in Pilonidal Sinus Surgery.2019, 11 (9): e5730. Cureus. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.5730 (Index: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  16. Kanlioz M, Ekici U. Reliability and Educational Features of YouTube® Videos about Hernia Operations Performed Using Laparoscopic TEP Method. Surgical Laparoscopy Endoscopy & Percutaneous Techniques. 2020 Feb;30(1):74-78. DOI: 10.1097/SLE.0000000000000748. (Index: Science Citation Index)
  17. Karatas T, Kanlioz M. The Correlation Between Delayed Surgical Therapy After the Diagnosis of Pilonidal Sinus Disease and Relapse, Labor Loss, and Costs. 2019, Cureus. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.6255 (Index: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  18. Kanlioz M, Karatas T. The Relationship of Perforated Appendicitis with Total and Direct Bilirubin. 2019, Cureus. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.6326 (Index: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  19. Karatas T,Ozbag D, Kanlioz M. Retrospective analysis of inguinofemoral hernias. Medicine Science International Medical Journal, 2020;9(1):86-9 DOI:10.5455/medscience.2019.08.9142 (Index: International)
  20. Kanlioz M, Ekici U. How Taking into Account the Pyloric Tonus Contributes to Treatment Success While Administering Gastric “Botulinum Toxin A” for Weight Loss. Obesity Surgery (2020) 30:3365–3369. DOI:10.1007/s11695-020-04556-7 (Index: Science Citation Index)
  21. Kanlioz M, Ekici U, Tatli F, Karatas T. Symptomatic Efficacy of Aloe Vera 2% Cream in the Treatment of Chronic Anal Fissure. Turk J Colorectal Dis 2020;30:99-103. DOI:10.4274/tjcd.galenos.2020.2020-2-2 (Index: International)
  22. Kanlioz M, Ekici U, Tatli F, Karatas T. Efficacy of Intragastric Balloon Placement and Botulinum Toxin Injection in Bariatric Endoscopy. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2020 Dec;30(6):500-503. DOI:10.1097/SLE.0000000000000829. (Index: Science Citation Index)
  23. Kanlioz M, Ekici U, Tatli F, Karatas T. The Place of Total Testosterone in the Etiology of Pilonidal Sinus Disease. Ann Med Res 2020;27(8):2176-8. DOI: 10.5455/annalsmedres.2020.01.074  (Index: International)
  1. Karatas T, Ozbag D, Ogeturk M, Demirtas G, Senol D, Cevirgen F, Canbolat M, Kose E, Dirican A, Kanlioz M. Evaluation of Morphometry in Extrahepatic Bile Ducts in Preoperative and Postoperative Periods in Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Patients With Cholelithiasis. Ann Med Res 2020;27(8):2191-5, DOI: 10.5455/annalsmedres.2020.02.149 (Index: International)
  2. Kanlioz M, Ekici U. The Effects of Using Liposomal Bupivacaine and Aloe Vera Cream after Haemorrhoidectomy on Postoperative Pain, Need for Analgesics, Hospitalisation Period and Return to Work and Social Life. Turk J Colorectal Dis 2020;30:184-190. DOI:10.4274/tjcd.galenos.2020.2020-4-1 (Index: International)
  3. Kanlioz M, Ekici U, Tatli F, Karatas T. Pilonidal Sinus Disease: An Analysis of the Factors Affecting Recurrence. Adv Skin Wound Care. 2021 Feb 1;34(2):81-85. DOI:10.1097/01.ASW.0000725168.11099.92(Index: Science Citation Index)
  4. Kanlioz M, Uyanikoglu H, Ekici U, Karatas T, Tatli F. A comparison of crystal phenol treatment, midline primary closure and Limberg flap reconstruction methods in female patients with primary pilonidal sinus disease. Ann Ital Chir. 2021;92:196-200 (Index: Science Citation Index)
  5. Kanlioz M, Ekici U, Ferhatoğlu MF. Total Gastrointestinal Flora Transplantation in the Treatment of Leaky Gut Syndrome and Flora Loss. Cureus. 2022 Nov 3;14(11):e31071. DOI:10.7759/cureus. (Index: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  6. Karataş, T., Kanlioz, M., Göktürk, N., Çevirgen, F., Turkoz, Y., Yıldız, A., … & Özbağ, D. (2023). Comparison of “primary repair” and “placing a drain without repair” methods in duodenum perforations. Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 29(6), 647-654. DOI:10.14744/tjtes.2023.92324  (Index: Science Citation Index)



7.2. Papers presented at international scientific conferences and published in the proceedings book.

  1. Atalay C, Kanlıöz M, Çelebioğlu S, Altınok M. The Menstrual Cycle and Hormone Receptor Status in Breast Cancer. 1st Congress of the World Society for Breast Health, September 22-26, 2001, Istanbul (Poster Presentation /151)
  2. Kanlioz M. Primary hydatid cyst in interpectoral area. 2nd International Congress of Hydatidology. 15-17 November 2018, North Cyprus (Oral Presentation /16)


7.3. International books or chapters authored.

  1. Ekici U, Kanlıöz M. Bariatrik ve Metabolik Cerrahi (Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery). Güncel Genel Cerrahi Çalışmaları l (Current General Surgery Studies l), Editor: Ömer Alabaz, 1st Edition, 2019, Ankara. Chapter: 6, Pages: 53-80 (ISBN: 978-605-258-352-4)
  2. Kanlıöz M, Ekici U. Akut Apandisit Tanısında Güncel Yaklaşımlar (Current Approaches in the Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis). Güncel Genel Cerrahi Çalışmaları l (Current General Surgery Studies l), Editor: Ömer Alabaz, 1st Edition, 2019, Ankara. Chapter: 7, Pages: 81-92 (ISBN: 978-605-258-352-4)
  3. Kanlıöz M, Ekici U. Current Approaches in Pilonidal Sinuse Disease in General Surgery l. Editor: Ömer Alabaz, 1st Edition, 2019, Ankara. Chapter: 1, Pages: 1-10 (ISBN: 978-605-258-337-1)
  4. Kanlıöz M, Plonidal Sünüs Hastalığında Etiyolojik Faktörlerin Analizi (Analysis of Etiologic Factors in Plonidal Sunus Disease), Güncel Genel Cerrahi Çalışmaları (Current General Surgery Studies), Editor: Ömer Alabaz, 1st Edition, 2020, Ankara, Chapter: 6, Pages: 57-66 (ISBN: 978-605-258-911-3)
7.4. Articles published in national peer-reviewed journals

  1. Atalay C, Kanlıöz M, Çelebioğlu S, Altınok M. Evre IV Meme kanserinde kemoterapi uygulamalarının sağkalıma etkisi (The effect of the course of chemotherapy on survival in Stage IV Breast Cancer). MN Klinik Bilimler & Doktor, 2001;7(6), 780-83. (Index: TR Dizin)
  2. Kanlıöz M, Özaslan C, Güngör B, Doğan L, Şen S, Akıllı S, Altınok M. Aksilla Negatif Meme Kanserlerinde Survival Taraması (Survival Screening in Axilla-Negative Breast Cancers) Acta Oncologica Turcica, 2002; 35(1), 10-17. (Index: TR Dizin)
  3. Özaslan C, Kanlıöz M, Eke S, Bircan HY, Karaman N, Altınok M. Alt ekstremite yumuşak doku sarkomlarında prognostik faktörler (Prognostic factors in lower extremity soft-tissue sarcomas). Ankara Cerrahi Dergisi. 2002; 4(14), 61-67. (Index: TR Dizin)
  4. Kanlıöz M, Atalay C, Atalay G, Altınok M. Cerrahi Hastalarda Viral Hepatit B ve C Seroprevalansı (Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B and C Virus in Surgical Patients). Ankara Cerrahi Dergisi. 2002; 4(14), 68-72. (Index: TR Dizin)
  5. Kanlıöz M, Özaslan C, Kurukahvecioğlu O, Şen S, Onbaşıoğlu Ö, Altınok M. Erken mastektomi komplikasyonlarına ameliyat süresi, hemovak drenaj süresi ve miktarının etkisi (The effect of operative time and duration and amount of hemovac drainage on early mastectomy complications). Meme Hastalıkları Dergisi (Journal of Breast Diseases). 2002;9(2), 5-8. (Index: TR Dizin)
  6. Atalay C, Kanlıöz M, Çelebioğlu S, Altınok M. Evre IV Mide Kanseri Olanlarda Sağkalıma Etki Eden Faktörler (Factors Affecting Survival in Patients with Stage IV Gastric Cancer). MN Klinik Bilimler & Doktor, 2002;8(3), 331-35. (Index: TR Dizin)
  7. Kanlıöz M, Atalay C, Altınok M. Onkoloji Hastanesindeki Acil Ameliyatların Profili (A profile of emergency surgeries at the Oncology Hospital). MN Klinik Bilimler & Doktor, 2002; 8(4), 457-60. (Index: TR Dizin)
  8. Atalay C, Kanlıöz M,Çelebioğlu S, Altınok M. Cerrahi gastrostomi için hasta seçimi (Patient selection for surgical gastrostomy). MN Klinik Bilimler & Doktor, 9/2-2003, 158-60. (Index: TR Dizin)
  9. Kanlioz M, Tayfur M, Atalay CMezenterik Yerleşimli Meckel Divertikülü (Meckel’s Diverticulum with Mesenteric Localization)MN Klinik Bilimler & Doktor, 9/1-2003, 54-56. (Index: TR Dizin)
  10. Karataş T, Kanlıöz M, Akın M.  Breast hydatid cyst mimicking fibroadenoma and malignancy: A case report. Turkish Journal of Surgery, 2013; 29: 144-6. DOI: 10.5152/UCD.2013.2140 . (Index: TR Dizin)
  11. Tatli F, Ekici U, Kanlioz M, Gozeneli O, Uzunkoy A, Yucel Y, Dirican A. Efficiency of Alvarado Score in Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis. Journal of Turgut Ozal Medical Center. 2016:23(1):1-3. DOI:10.5455/jtomc.2015.11-030. (Index: TR Dizin)
  12. Ekici U, Tatlı F, Kanlıöz M. Incarcerated recurrent Amyand’s hernia: a case report. Journal of Turgut Ozal Medical Center. 2016;23(2):205-7. DOI: 10.5455/jtomc.2015.08.012. (Index: TR Dizin)
  13. Kanlioz M, Ekici U, Tatli F, Karatas T, Inan T. Is there any relationship between complicated appendicitis and leucocyte counts? Journal of Turgut Ozal Medical Center. 2016;23(2):152-5. DOI: 10.5455/jtomc.2016.02.027. (Index: TR Dizin)
  14. Kanlioz M, Ekici U, Tatli F, Karatas T.  Malatya State Hospital General Surgery Emergency profile. Gaziantep Medical Journal 2016;22(3):152-156 • DOI: 10.5152/EurJTher.2016.008. (Index: ULAKBİM)
  15. Ekici U, Kanlioz M. Comparison of efficiency of Alvarado score and ultrasonography in acute appendicitis diagnosis. Cukurova Med J 2017;42(3):351-356. DOI: 10.17826/cutf.323364. (Index: ULAKBİM)
  16. Kanlioz M, Tatli F, Ekici U, Gozeneli O. Anti-HIV, Anti-HCV, HBsAgand Anti-HBsAg Seroprevalence at a General Surgery. Journal of Harran University Medical Faculty. 2017;14(1), 29-35.  (Index: ULAKBİM)
  17. Ekici U, Tatlı F, Kanlıöz M, Inan T. Leukocytosis can predict increased risk of conversion in elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Laparosc Endosc Surg Sci 2017;24(3):81-84. DOI: 10.14744/less.2017.73792 . (Index: MedicReS, COPE, Crossref)
  18. Ekici U, Tatlı F, Kanlıöz M.Is the appendix length/diameter ratio an early-indicator for the perforation in acute appendicitis? Annals of Medical Research. 2018;25(3)390-3. DOI:10.5455/annalsmedres.2018.03.043. (Index: TR Dizin)
  19. Kanlioz M, Ekici U. Role of laparoscopy procedure in the diagnosis and treatment of traumatic acute abdomen: Original article. Laparosc Endosc Surg Sci 2019;26(2):41-44 DOI: 10.14744/less.2019.16362 (Index: TR Dizin)
  20. Kanlioz M, Ekici U, Tatli F, Karatas T. The Importance of the Structure of Pylorus in the Success of Gastric Botulinum Toxin Injections. Laparosc Endosc Surg Sci 2020; 27(1):  DOI: 10.14744/less.2020.94557 (Index: TR Dizin)
  21. Karatas T, Özbağ D,Kanlioz M. Akut Apendisit Ön Tanısıyla Ameliyat Edilen 160 Olgunun Retrospektif Analizi (Retrospective Analysis of 160 Cases operated with a Prediagnosis of Acute Appendicitis.). Annals of Health Sciences Research. 2020;1(1)56-59. (Index: TR Dizin)


7.5. Papers presented at national scientific conferences and published in the proceedings book

  1. Atalay C, Kanlıöz M, Çelebioğlu S, Altınok M. Meme kanserinde kemoterapi uygulamalarının sağkalıma etkisi (The effect of the course of chemotherapy on survival in Breast Cancer). 6th National Breast Diseases Congress, Istanbul, September 22-26, 2001. (Poster Presentation / 65)
  2. Kanlıöz  M, Özaslan C, Akıllı S, Doğan L, Güngör B, Altınok M. Aksilla negatif meme kanserlerinde prognostik faktörler (Prognostic factors in axilla-negative breast cancers). National Surgical Congress 2002/ May 15-19, 2002 Antalya (Oral Presentation / 006)
  3. Özaslan C, Kanlıöz M, Eke S, Bircan HY, Karaman N, Altınok M. Alt ekstremite yumuşak doku sarkomlarında prognostik faktörler (Prognostic factors in lower extremity soft-tissue sarcomas). National Surgical Congress 2002/ May 15-19, 2002 Antalya (Oral Presentation / 049)
  4. Atalay C, Kanlıöz M, Altınok M. Troid kanserlerinde tamamlayıcı troidektomiler (Complementary thyroidectomies in thyroid cancers). National Surgical Congress 2002/ May 15-19, 2002 Antalya (Oral Presentation / 215)
  5. Kanlıöz M,Atalay C, Altınok M. Cerrahi Hastalarda Viral Hepatit B ve C Seroprevalansı (Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B and C Virus in Surgical Patients). National Surgical Congress 2002/ May 15-19, 2002 Antalya (Oral Presentation / 218)
  6. Kanlıöz M, Atalay C, Altınok M. Onkoloji hastanesindeki acil ameliyatların profili (A profile of emergency surgeries at the Oncology Hospital). National Surgical Congress 2002/ May 15-19, 2002 Antalya (Poster Presentation / 026)
  7. Atalay C, Kanlıöz M, Çelebioğlu S, Altınok M. Cerrahi gastrostomi için hasta seçimi (Patient selection for surgical gastrostomy). National Surgical Congress 2002/ May 15-19, 2002 Antalya (Poster Presentation / 059)
  8. Akıllı S, Özaslan C, Güngör B, Şen S, Kanlıöz M, Doğan L. Mide kanserlerinde serum belirteçlerinin klinik önemi (Clinical significance of serum markers in gastric cancer). 15th National Cancer Congress, Antalya, April 23-27, 2003. (Poster Presentation / 160)
  9. Kanlıöz M, Atalay C, Altınok M. Akut apandisit ameliyatlarından sonra morbiditeye etki eden faktörler (Factors affecting morbidity after operations for acute appendicitis). National Surgical Congress, Antalya, May 26-30, 2004. (Oral Presentation / 162)
  10. Tatlı F, Ekici U, Kanlıöz M, Gözeneli O, Uzunköy A. Akut Apandisit Tanısında Ultrasonografinin Yeri (The Role of Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis). 10th National Congress on Trauma and Emergency Surgery, Antalya, October 28-November 01, 2015. (Oral Presentation / 15)
  11. Tatlı F, Ekici U, Kanlıöz M, Gözeneli O, Uzunköy A. Akut Apandisit Tanısında Alvarado Skorunun Etinliği (Efficacy of Alvarado Score in the Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis). 10th National Congress on Trauma and Emergency Surgery, Antalya, October 28-November 01, 2015. (Oral Presentation / 16)
  12. Ekici U, Tatlı F, Kanlıöz M, İnan T. Laparaskopik kolesistektomi yapılanlarda açığa dönüşe hikaye, fizik muayene, operasyon esnasındaki bulguların etkisi (The effect of history, physical examination and intraoperative findings on conversion to open surgery in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy). 20th National Surgical Congress, Antalya, April 13-17, 2016. (Oral Presentation / 134)
  13. Ekici U, Tatlı F, Kanlıöz M. Akut Apandisitte, appendix boy/çap oranı perforasyon için erken bir gösterge olabilir mi? (Can appendix length/diameter ratio be an early indicator for perforation in acute appendicitis?) 20th National Surgical Congress, Antalya, April 13-17, 2016. (Oral Presentation / 215)
  14. Kanlıöz M. Perfore apandisitle total bilirubin arasındaki ilişkisi (The correlation between perforated appendicitis and total bilirubin). 3rd Çukurova Gastrointestinal Surgical Diseases Congress. Adana, March 8-10, 2019. (Oral Presentation / 0012)
  15. Kanlıöz M. Genel Cerrahi Polikliniğine Başvuran ve Kolonoskopi Yapılan Hastaların Analizi (Analysis of Patients Who Underwent Colonoscopy following Referral to General Surgery Outpatient Clinic). 3rd Çukurova Gastrointestinal Surgical Diseases Congress. Adana, March 8-10, 2019. (Oral Presentation / 0083)
  16. Kanlıöz M. Kolesistektomilerdeki tesadüfen yakalanan safra kesesi tümörlerinin analizi (Analysis of Gallbladder Tumors found incidentally in Cholecystectomies). 10th National Haseki Medical Congress, Sapanca, September 12-15, 2019. (Oral Presentation/ 303)
  17. Kanlıöz M. Akut batın tablosuyla başvuran hepatosellüler karsinoma: Olgu Sunumu (Hepatocellular carcinoma presenting with acute abdomen: A Case Report). 3rd Gastrointestinal Research Congress, Malatya, September 21-22, 2019. (Oral Presentation)
  18. Kanlıöz M, Ekici U. Prolen Mesh Kullanılarak Yapılan İnguinal Herni Onarımları Sonrası Nüks Oranları (Recurrence Rates After Inguinal Hernia Repairs Using Prolene Mesh). 7th National Hernia Congress, October 3-6, 2019. (Oral Presentation)


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