Tüp Mide Ameliyatı Sonrası Kaçak Belirtileri Nelerdir?

Leaks that may arise after Gastric Sleeve Gastrectomy (Sleeve Gastrectomy) may be a serious complication and require immediate medical intervention. The followings may be an indicator of such a condition:

  1. Severe abdominal pain: This usually manifests as severe pain at the site of the surgery. The pain is usually constant and cannot be relieved using ordinary painkillers.
  2. Fever and Chills: As the body tries to fight the infection caused by the leaks, fever may develop. This may usually cause chills and sweating.
  3. Malaise and Fatigue: As the body uses its energy to fight infection, this often results in malaise and fatigue.
  4. Shortness of Breath: This condition appears in particularly serious cases and requires immediate medical attention.
  5. Accelerated Heartbeat: Body fluid levels drop due to infection, causing the heart to beat faster.
  6. Nausea and Vomiting: The impaired functioning of the digestive system can lead to nausea and vomiting.
  7. Loss of Appetite: The impaired functioning of the digestive system often leads to a reduced appetite.

You should seek medical attention immediately if any of the above symptoms are present after gastric sleeve surgery. Besides, as these symptoms can also be signs of other medical conditions, consulting a health professional to properly assess the symptoms is of utmost importance.

What should I do in case of leaks following Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

A leak that may develop following Gastric Sleeve Surgery is a serious complication and requires urgent medical intervention. When signs of leaks appear, you should take the following steps:

  1. Promptly Consult Your Doctor: In the case of a suspected leak, you should first consult your doctor or healthcare provider immediately.
  2. Seek Urgent Medical Attention: Go to an emergency room immediately if symptoms are serious or getting worse rapidly.

The way how the leak should be treated usually depends on the condition. In mild cases, the patient may be prescribed antibiotics and a diet restricted to liquid food. Severe cases, however, may require surgical intervention.

Surgical intervention is usually performed by endoscopic procedure, during which the specialist “repairs” the stomach by sealing the leak or inserting a stent. In rarer cases, an open surgery may be required.

Each of the above conditions should be handled under the supervision of medical professionals. Never attempt treatment on your own, as this can lead to more serious health problems. Depending on the patient’s condition and the severity of the leak, all these treatment options should be considered by the specialist. It is therefore of paramount importance to contact a health professional in case of any symptoms and suspicions.

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